On Wednesday, the National Football League, NBC, and Country music superstar Carrie Underwood found out they were all being sued for allegedly copying the “Game On” theme song used in 2018 for “Sunday Night Football” from a song that was recorded two years prior.
Singer Heidi Merrill, who said she uploaded her “Game On” to YouTube back in 2017, said her copyright was infringed after Underwood’s producer Mark Bright initially rejected her song to use at a conference in Nashville in 2017.
Via TMZ Sports:
In her suit, Merrill says she met Carrie Underwood’s producer, Mark Bright, at an event in Nashville in August 2017 and asked if Carrie would be looking to create a new song for the 2018 NFL “Sunday Night Football” show open.
Merrill says she submitted the song to Bright — but was eventually told Carrie’s camp passed on using “Game On.”
Fast forward to Sept. 2018 … Merrill says she was shocked to see Underwood and NBC promoting a secret new theme song for ‘SNF’ … which ended up being called “Game On.”
Merrill and her co-writers said Underwood’s “Game On” is “substantially – even strikingly – similar, if not identical” to their song. The compliant goes on to state the similarities between the title, tempo, meter, time signature, rhythmic and melodic contours and patterns, note and chord progressions, and hooks.
Merrill’s version:
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Underwood’s version: