NFL Arizona CardinalsCardinals Defender Kylie Fitts Causes Fumble By Literally Kicking It Out of Runner’s Hands (VIDEO) December 13, 2020, 2:06pm EST (Updated: October 17, 2022, 1:56pm)By Darrelle Lincoln Follow Us16 Have you ever seen a kick fumble? Well, you’re about to. During the Cardinals-Giants game — Cardinals LB Kylie Fitts literally kicked a ball out of the hands of Dion lewis and caused a fumble. #Cardinals LB Kylie Fitts literally kicked that ball out of Dion Lewis’ hands. #Cardinals recovered. You can't intentionally kick the ball out, so this was likely determined— Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) December 13, 2020 Written by Darrelle Lincoln Darrion Lincoln is a full-time sports writer for Total Pro Sports. Darrion spends most of my time writing about anything sports-related and that includes the NBA, NFL,Read More