ESPN’s Computer has predicted the current standings for the ESPN playoffs, and it isn’t too surprising so far.
ESPN’s new computer program, called the Football Power Index, is predicting after the first week a ranking of Alabama at 1, Ohio State at 2, Georgia at 3, and Oklahoma coming in 4th. Though early in the list, as teams have yet to play, shows how powerful the top programs are this season so far.
Oklahoma’s big jump comes in the wake of a 73-0 blowout, but was far from the only blowout as #1 Georgia and Alabama decimated their opponents. Ohio State played way below their capabilities, as their offense never got started until late, grinding out a 23-3 win over the Indiana Hoosiers.
The Football Power Index is to be updated weekly, but their initial list isn’t a bad start but is subjected to change following the #5 LSU Tigers vs. #8 FSU Seminoles tonight.
The list will jump back and forth for a while, but should settle on top teams towards the middle of the season, when the contenders start to establish themselves.